Main page > Studies > Master in “International and European Law"


Vilnius University Faculty of Law has reshaped the current study programme Master of International and European Law (former – Master of International and EU Law), which has proved to be a success for more than 10 years now. We provide updated programme with three possible tracks:
– International Law and Human Rights;
– Tech Law;
– Business Law.

Study Programme Description

In the age of globalization the domestic legal systems cannot be perceived without a solid component of international and European law. The activities of international or European organizations, as well as procedures of international dispute resolution have become part of many areas of contemporary life, especially in protection of human rights, economic cooperation and social integration, international business and sphere of emerging technologies.

The purpose of the study programme is to train legal experts and legal service professionals with:
– the comprehensive and profound knowledge about international and European legal  norms  that  influence  the  most  important  areas  of  national  legal  systems,  as  well  as  development, interpretation and application practice of these legal norms;
– abilities to identify, analyse and solve complex problems related to law-making and legal application in the contexts of international and European law;
– abilities to apply the acquired knowledge in professional practice in an innovative and integral way in order to settle disputes and legal conflicts that arise in international environment;
– critical approach and skills to carry out independent research and provide suggestions based on scientific analysis.

See detailed learning outcomes of the study programme here.

Structure of Study Programme and Courses

A full-time study programme lasts three semesters (1.5 years, 90 ECTS). At the beginning of the studies, each student chooses the track he or she is interested in from three options:

  • International Law and Human Rights;
  • Tech Law;
  • Business Law.

Students study two general compulsory courses (20 ECTS) that represent the core of the programme, as well as four compulsory courses (20 ECTS) in the selected track of interest. The remaining credits (20 ECTS) are allocated for the student’s free choice. These optional courses (4 electives) provide an opportunity to design individual studies’ profile within the areas of student’s concern and needs and to pursue personal education agenda. Each course includes lectures as well as practical instruction time (seminars, workshops, moot activities, etc.). Like all masters, this study programme is concluded by the preparation of Master Thesis (30 ECTS) on a scientifically and/or practically relevant topic. Students attend seminars, which are designed to provide them with additional methodological assistance and guidance as regards the preparation of the thesis.


International Law and Human Rights


Tech Law


Business Law

Autumn 1st semester
Compulsory Courses (20 ECTS)
Global Law and Legal Ethics (10 ECTS)
Human Rights in Global Perspective (5 ECTS) Technology Law (5 ECTS) European Private Law (5 ECTS)
Advanced Issues of International Law (5 ECTS) Contract Law and E-Commerce (5 ECTS) International and European Company Law (5 ECTS)
Elective Courses (10 ECTS)
Cybersecurity Law and Cybercrime (5 ECTS)
Consumer Protection Law(5 ECTS)
External Relations Law of the European Union (5 ECTS)
Law on Competition in Digital Economy (5 ECTS)
Health and Biotechnology Law (5 ECTS)
FinTech Law (5 ECTS)
Spring 2nd semester
Compulsory Courses (20 ECTS)
International Dispute Resolution (10 ECTS)
Contemporary Approach to Humanitarian Law and Humanitarian Action (5 ECTS) Data Protection and Privacy Law (5 ECTS) Corporate Governance (5 ECTS)
Protection of Human Rights in Practice (5 ECTS) E-Justice and Online Dispute Respolution (5 ECTS) Business Transactions (5 ECTS)
Elective Courses (10 ECTS)
Employment Law in Global and Digital Economy (5 ECTS)
Sustainable Development and Environmental Law (5 ECTS)
Intellectual Property Law and Technologies (5 ECTS)
Legal Innovation and Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS)
Social Networks and Media Law (5 ECTS)
Global Tax Law (5 ECTS)
Autumn 3rd semester
Master Seminar (5 ECTS)
Master Thesis (25 ECTS)

Admission Requirements and Selection Criteria

The programme is designed for persons who have obtained a recognized qualification of a Bachelor of Laws or an equivalent qualification of a jurist from institutions of higher education. The procedure of admission is competitive; it is based on the candidate’s application supported by required documents and the outcome of an interview, if needed.

Proficiency in English is required to ensure proper participation in lectures, workshops and seminars (e.g., sufficient skills for reading relevant literature and normative acts or for essay writing). The proficiency level not lower than B2 (following the Common Framework of Reference for Language approved by the Council of Europe), proof of proficiency in English: IELTS 5.5+, iBT TOEFL 65+; The requirement does not apply to those who have graduated from the studies delivered in English or if it is a native language of a candidate.

The deadline for submission of application for applicants from non-EU/EEA countries for academic year 2025 is May 1. 

The deadline for submission of application for applicants  that are not required to obtain a national visa for arrival to Lithuania, as well as for non-EU/EEA applicants with Lithuanian Embassies in their home countries for academic year 2025 is July 1. 

Apply here.

In case of your graduation from your school/university in Summer please consult Admission Officer if it is possible to submit a final diploma later (each case will be considered individually).

The academic year starts in September.


Study Methods and Assessment

The main forms of class activities are lectures and seminars. Essential methods of study used during lectures and seminars are interactive; they include problem solving, discussions, case study analyses, group work, essays or short papers, simulations, moot activities, presentation of arguments in writing or orally, reflections on accumulated experience. The major attention is given to student’s individual work. Students are engaged in self-study of compulsory and recommended scientific and methodological books, legal sources, prepare for assignments.

Academic progress may be assessed in different ways; several methods are combined, such as continuous and final assessment. Usually the final mark for the course is cumulative, calculated based on the proportions specified in the course unit description. The interim tasks that are necessary for accumulation of the final assessment can include a research project (work), presentation, essay, active participation in class activities, solution of problems, etc. Every course concludes with either a written or written and oral examination assessed on a ten-point scale.

Career Opportunities

The qualification enables graduates to be legal experts (advisers) to both public and private entities, engage themselves as problem analysts or researchers in academic institutions as well as to work in all major legal professions in national and international, governmental and non-governmental organizations and companies. A possibility of holding an office in regulated professions (judges, solicitors, prosecutors, civil servants etc.) will depend on qualification requirements applicable in a particular country and the recognition of foreign studies.

Graduates of the programme will be able to pursue academic career in Lithuania and abroad in continuing their studies in PhD programme in social sciences, mainly in law.


Application forms


Autumn Semester 2024/2025

 Track  International Law and Human Rights  Tech Law Business Law
Autumn / 1st Semester  (30 ECTS)
Compulsory Courses  (20 ECTS)
Global Law and Legal Ethics (10 ECTS) for all tracks
Human Rights in Global Perspective  (5 ECTS) Technology Law (5 ECTS) International and European Company Law (5 ECTS)
Advanced Issues in Public International Law (5 ECTS) Contract Law and E-Commerce (5 ECTS) European Private Law (5 ECTS)
Elective Courses (10 ECTS)
Cybersecurity Law and Cybercrime (5 ECTS)

Consumer Protection Law (5 ECTS)

External Relations Law of the European Union (5 ECTS)

Law on Competition in Digital Economy (5 ECTS) cancelled 2024/2025

Health and Biotechnology Law cancelled (5 ECTS) cancelled 2024/2025

FinTech Law (5 ECTS)

Spring Semester 2024/2025


Spring / 2nd Semester (30 ECTS)

Compulsory Courses (20 ECTS)
International Dispute Resolution (10 ECTS) for all tracks
Contemporary Approach to International Humanitarian Law and Humanitarian Action (5 ECTS) Data Protection and Privacy Law (5 ECTS) Corporate Governance (5 ECTS)
Protection of Human Rights in Practice (5 ECTS) E-Justice and Online Dispute Resolution (5 ECTS) Business Transactions (5 ECTS)
Elective Courses (10 ECTS)
Employment Law in Global and Digital Economy (5 ECTS)

Sustainable Development and Environmental Law (5 ECTS)

Intellectual Property Law and Technologies (5 ECTS)

Legal Innovation and Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS)

Global Tax Law (5 ECTS)

Autumn /   3rd Semester (30 ECTS)
Master Seminar (5 ECTS)
Timetable for defence of Master’s Thesis (25 ECTS)

Further Possibilities

Have an interest?

Please contact the coordinator of the study programme Jurgita Mickevičiūtė (, and we will provide you more details.