NOHA Spring School in Humanitarian Action
On 16-20 April, 2012 the Faculty of Law of the University of Vilnius together with the Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA) organised an awareness raising Spring School in Humanitarian Action. The Spring School aimed at training professionals dealing with projects in Humanitarian Action (HA) in order to give them a critical overview of HA in a multidisciplinary perspective and the relevant information for evaluation of projects. New challenges in HA also were examined.
During The Spring School seminars history and basic principles of Humanitarian action, types of crises and present-day context were discussed. Also experts experts shared their knowledge about Humanitarian action-related disciplines: international relations, geopolitics of conflicts and foreign policy; international humanitarian law; health in emergency situations; anthropology and HA; management and logistics of HA. Contemporary problems were also not forgotten – participants learned about peacekeeping and integrated operations; interactions/coordination with the Military; link between relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) with special focus on gender issues and local ownership; disaster preparedness.