PhD LAB is a research division within the Faculty of Law at Vilnius University that carries out expert and consulting activities in the field of legal analysis with the aim to promote social impact through interdisciplinary research and disseminate research results in society. PhD LAB was established by the Vilnius University Faculty of Law dean’s decree of 3rd of May, 2022, which also approved the research division’s regulations.

The core mission of PhD LAB is to enhance the academic and professional development of PhD students through various initiatives and activities, such as research projects, workshops, seminars, and conferences. PhD LAB at Vilnius University’s Faculty of Law is dedicated to advancing legal research and policy development, with a particular focus on addressing real-world challenges and finding innovative solutions. The division is committed to fostering collaboration among PhD students and other scholars, as well as to promoting interdisciplinary approaches to legal research.In the pursuit to achieve positive social impact and to disseminate research results in society, PhD LAB organizes public events, engages with policymakers, and collaborates with other organisations. PhD students participating in these projects gain valuable experience in conducting research, analyzing data, and communicating their findings to diverse audiences.


The tasks of PhD LAB are as follows:

  • Collect, systematize, analyze and summarize information on the development of legal regulation and planned changes, the practice of legal regulation interpretation and application, as well as legal science doctrine, and provide access to this information in the Faculty’s established procedure;
  • Prepare responses to inquiries from various institutions approved by the Dean and/or Vice-Deans of the Faculty, questionnaires from international organizations and institutions, and prepare evidence-based conclusions, presenting a well-reasoned legal position on the issues raised;
  • Complete significant scientific questionnaires and reports for the development of Lithuanian legal science and the legal system;
  • Prepare periodic overviews and summaries of the practice of the latest Lithuanian and foreign courts, the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union, and, if necessary, other international courts or dispute resolution institutions;
  • Periodically prepare and publish commentaries on relevant legal issues in popular science media and on the internet sites;
  • Coordinate the activities of the “International Network of Doctoral Studies in Law” in the Faculty, organize annual conferences of this network, and prepare publications based on them;
  • Organize scientific, scientific-practical, popularization of science, and educational events;
  • Disseminate the results of analyzes, conclusions, overviews, and summaries in the national and international arena.


Coordinator: assist. prof. dr. Johanas Baltrimas

PhD students: Martynas Dobrovolskas, Justinas Drakšas, Eimantas Kadys, Kornelija Krutulytė, Goda Norvaišytė, Goda Strikaitė-Latušinskaja.

Most important recent activities and publications

  • International conference for doctoral students and young legal researchers “Law and Beyond: Anything New on the Legal Front?” will be held on 16-17 May, 2024.
  • International conference for doctoral students and young legal researchers “The Good, the Bad and the Legal: Balance between Stability and Disruptions of Law” will be held on 18-19 May, 2023.
  • International conference for doctoral students and young legal researchers “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Law (But Were Afraid to Ask)” held on June 2-3, 2022.
  • Borusevičiūtė, M. (2023). Assessment of the Constitutional Court Ruling of 24 January 2023 on the Restriction of Freedom of Economic Activity Following the Declaration of Quarantine – Well Done. Teisė. Pro.
  • Borusevičiūtė, M. (2022). The Purpose of the Annual Report on the Rule of Law in the Context of the Lithuania Chapter: The European Commission Shows Too Much Optimism. Teisė. Pro.
  • Goda Norvaišytė. Ignoring hate speech creates a breeding ground for hostility and mistrust. Manoteisė, 22/11/2022.
  • Goda Norvaišytė and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gintautas Sakalauskas. Conditions of imprisonment in Lithuania that guarantee human dignity and rights – Mission (Im)possible? Vilnius University Open Series, 18/11/2022.
  • Goda Norvaišytė. Lawyer: ignoring hate speech breeds mistrust., 08/11/2022.
  • Goda Strikaitė-Latušinskaja. “European” Artificial Intelligence – What is it? Comment for Teise.Pro, 2022-09-30 (Original title in Lithuanian: Goda Strikaitė-Latušinskaja. „Europietiškas“ dirbtinis intelektas – koks jis?)
  • Eimantas Kadys. Physical violence in the family – what are the legal consequences of divorce? Article on 06/04/2023.
  • Eimantas Kadys interview about spousal liability for the debts of the other spouse. LRT programme “Labas rytas, Lietuva”, 17.03.2023.
  • Eimantas Kadys. Civil Union Law: would the proposed legislation move us beyond the point of death. Article on Teise.Pro, 28.02.2023.
  • Eimantas Kadys. Are parents always liable for damage caused by their minor children? Article on, 24/10/2022.
  • Eimantas Kadys. What are the terms and conditions of the tenancy agreement you need to discuss when renting a flat?  Article on, 30/08/2022.
  • Eimantas Kadys interview about the civil union law registered in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania. LRT programme “Savaitė”, 22/05/2022.
  • Opinion to the Human Rights Committee of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on the draft law project No. Xivp-766 to amend and supplement Articles 2 and 7 of the Law on Meetings of the Republic of Lithuania, the draft law project No. Xivp-819 to amend Articles 6, 7, and 12 of the Law on Meetings, and the draft law project No. Xivp-1328 to amend Articles 6, 7, and the title of Chapter II of the Law on Meetings No. I-317 of the Republic of Lithuania. (Original title in Lithuanian: Išvada Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo Žmogaus teisių komitetui dėl Lietuvos Respublikos susirinkimų įstatymo Nr. I-317 2 Ir 7 straipsnių pakeitimo ir papildymo įstatymo projekto Nr. Xivp-766, susirinkimų įstatymo Nr. I-317 6, 7 Ir 12 straipsnių pakeitimo įstatymo projekto Nr. Xivp-819 Ir Susirinkimų įstatymo Nr. I-317 6, 7 straipsnių ir II skyriaus pavadinimo pakeitimo įstatymo projekto Nr. Xivp-1328.)
  • Opinion to the Ministry of Justice regarding (1) the Proposal from the European Commission of April 27, 2022 for a European Parliament and Council Directive on the protection of individuals against manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings directed against public participation (“strategic lawsuits against public participation”) and (2) the European Commission Recommendations of April 27, 2022 on the protection of journalists and human rights defenders against manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings directed against public participation (“strategic lawsuits against public participation”). (Original title in Lithuanian: Nuomonė Teisingumo ministerijai dėl (1) 2022 m. balandžio 27 d. Europos Komisijos pateikto Pasiūlymo dėl Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyvos dėl asmenų apsaugos nuo akivaizdžiai nepagrįstų ar piktnaudžiaujamų teismo procesų, nukreiptų prieš visuomenės dalyvavimą („strateginiai ieškiniai prieš visuomenės dalyvavimą ir (2) 2022 m. balandžio 27 d. priimtos Europos Komisijos rekomendacijos dėl žurnalistų ir žmogaus teisių gynėjų apsaugos nuo akivaizdžiai nepagrįstų ar piktnaudžiaujamų teismo procesų, nukreiptų prieš visuomenės dalyvavimą („strateginiai ieškiniai prieš visuomenės dalyvavimą“).
  • Questionnaire regarding the application of the Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters. (Original title in Lithuanian: klausimynas dėl 2012 m. gruodžio 12 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamento (ES) Nr. 1215/2012 dėl jurisdikcijos ir teismo sprendimų civilinėse ir komercinėse bylose pripažinimo ir vykdymo taikymo)

Information about PhD studies.