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The Spring of Law Science 2017!

AUTHOR: Research and Innovation Department

Vilnius University Faculty of Law invites you to start the spring semester with a tradition – scientific events cycle “The Spring of Law Science 2017″. The cycle of events will take place on 6th – 8th of February, 2017. The programme of the cycle includes a variety of scientific events, educational meetings, discussions  encompassing not only national, but also international perspective of legal problems:

  • The first part of the event will be dedicated to the national conference “Criminal Justice Research“. The conference will take place on 6th of February, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30p.m., auditorium Jr1. At the conference academics and legal practitioners will share their insights on issues of criminal justice research. The conference will be held in Lithuanian. Programme of the conference. Registration is open until the 31st of January 2017. Registration form.
  • On 7th of February, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m., at Vilnius university Faculty of Law, K. L. Sapiega room (302), there will be held an open scientific seminar – discussion among young researchers and PhD Students on current global challenges to legal systems. Registration is open until the 1st of February 2017. Registration form.
  • On 8th of February, 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at Vilnius university Faculty of Law, K. L. Sapiega room (302), Prof. Dr. Johan Meeusen from University of Antwerp Faculty of Law (Belgium), a guest of Vilnius University Faculty of Law, will speak about “EU conflict of laws: new solutions to new problems?”. Registration is open until the 1st of February 2017. Registration form.
  • On 8th of February, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m., at Vilnius university Faculty of Law, auditorium JR4, dr. Eugenijus Skerstonas will meet the community of Vilnius University Faculty of Law and speak about psychological aspects of appearance culture (lecture will  be held in Lithuanian). The lecturer will discuss the cultural significance of the individual’s appearance in modern society, analyse the stereotypes of appearance, the lawyer’s needs of self-creation, self-expression, etc. Registration is open until the 1st of February 2017. Registration form.

The programme of The Spring of Law Science 2017 (in Lithuanian).

Due to the limited number of seats on each event please register in advance by filling in a separate registration form.

See you soon at the Spring of Law Science!


Gintarė Januševskaitė,, +370 236 6166
Dr. Gintarė Tamašauskaitė-Janickė,, +370 236 6183
For the Press – Inga Kazilionienė,, +370 236 6173