Willem C Vis Moot #2020 journey has come to an end. Four days of intensive pleading rounds online were challenging, yet very much rewarding for our students – Gabrielė Raižytė, Rūta Vaicekauskaitė, Karolis Šikšnys, Gabrielius Matonis, Ainis Augustas Petrulis and Vilius Norvaišas. The competition gathered (or, rather, connected :)) some 300 university teams from all over the world, and although our students did not make it to the very final, they have certainly come out with invaluable experience which will be of great benefit both to them and the future teams of Vilnius University. “Once a mootie, always a mootie”, say our students, smiling and looking forward to future adventures representing VU Law Faculty.

The team thanks their mentors – arbitrator, VU Law Faculty lecturer dr. Eglė Zemlytė and senior associate at the law firm “Motieka & Audzevičius”, London Queen Mary University PhD candidate Denis Parchajev for all the precious support in the 7-month-long ride towards the ultimate challenge at the #online Vis Moot.
Students likewise thank law firms Ellex Valiunas, Motieka & Audzevičius, Sorainen and TGS BALTIC for significant financial support necessary for the participation in the competition.