Main page > News > Student Scientific Society invites to register and write an article

Student Scientific Society invites to register and write an article


Student Scientific Society of the VU Law Faculty kindly invites to register and together with a team write an article!

In the link below, you will find a list of tutors and topics, which will be updated, but we remind you (and strongly encourage) that you can formulate the topics yourself.


  • Topics not yet selected are highlighted in green.
  • Already selected topics are marked in red.
  • The yellow colour indicates topics that are missing one of the tutors.

Just like last year, we encourage the writing of interdisciplinary articles, so we invite you to include like-minded people from other faculties and suggest topics that interest you!

  • The topics presented in the list are preliminary and may be revised or changed during work.
  • Topics proposed by students will also be placed in this table immediately after their registration.
  • You must correspond and agree personally with each of the presented tutors, and if you propose the topic yourself, you must find the Academic and Practical tutor(s) yourself.
  • We are waiting for your and your colleague’s names, surnames, contact e-mails, and Academic, Practical (+ interdisciplinary field, if you have one) tutors name, surname, and contacts in the registration letter.
  • Please also specify the language in which you will write the article and note if you are writing with a student from another faculty.

You can register by e-mail: