Main page > News > Representatives of the VU Law Faculty took part in the Republic of Lithuania Consulate General in Munich and the “Lithuanian-German Forum”

Representatives of the VU Law Faculty took part in the Republic of Lithuania Consulate General in Munich and the “Lithuanian-German Forum”


On 6 March Minister of Foreigner Affairs Kęstutis Budrys the Consulate General of Lithuania in Munich. The official opening ceremony was attended by Eric Beißwenger, State Minister for European and International Relations of the Free State of Bavaria, Bavarian politicians, representatives of business, education, and culture, the diplomatic corps in Munich,the local Lithuanian community and the representatives of the Vilnius University Law Faculty – Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr Haroldas Šinkūnas, Vice-Dean for Science Prof. Dr Jurgita Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė, lecturers Prof. Dr (HP) Egidijus Šileikis and Assoc. Prof. Dr Agnė Juškevičiūtė-Vilienė.

Today, the Faculty representatives visited the “Lithuanian and Germany Forum”, the aim of which is to develop direct public and personal contacts between prominent leaders and well-known personalities from each country in the fields of politics, business, education and culture, to contribute to cooperation between different regions of Lithuania and Germany, to initiate various projects in Germany and Lithuania, aimed at strengthening ties between the two countries to develop a stronger relationship between the two countries, thus contributing to a stronger and more advanced Europe.

Source of information – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania