Master law students at Belarusian State University on the 23rd of March had the possibility to hear the lecture of VU Faculty of Law assoc. professor of practice Gintaras Jasaitis. The lecture provided students with a comparison of two criminal procedure systems (Belarus – Lithuania).
On the 20th of March VU Faculty of Law dean prof. Tomas Davulis and Vice dean prof. Gintaras Švedas presented the law students of Ukraine and Belarus the system of legal studies in Lithuania and described peculiarities of studies at VU Faculty of Law.
The lectures were organized in the frame of Crimhum project. “Modernisation of master programmes for future judges, prosecutors, investigators with respect to European standard on human rights” (CRIMHUM) project is financed by EU Commission in order to develop legal education with the modernization of legal training and in order to meet the needs of economic and social development, as well as taking into account the geopolitical position of Belarus and Ukraine.