Main page > News > Faculty of Law invites young researchers to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in law in Vilnius starting from the year of 2025

Faculty of Law invites young researchers to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in law in Vilnius starting from the year of 2025




Vilnius University Faculty of Law invites young researchers to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in law in Vilnius starting from the year of 2025: „Reloading International Law Mechanisms Seeking to Retain its Vitality as International Community’s Obligation“ („RE-LAW“).


About the project

The two-year postdoc fellowship project will explore global tensions and a wide use of military force in Europe in recent years, in particular, lasting Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, and Israeli – ‘Hamas’ military conflict, have highlighted inadequacies and vulnerabilities of international legal order and a clear need of transforming it in order to make it capable to better respond to an altered international landscape. Response to violations of international law invoking typical countermeasures and usual institutional frameworks seems to be no longer suitable and this in turn fosters the need to adapt existing and develop new legal means.

Research will be carried out under the supervisor – Associate Professor Dr Indrė Isokaitė-Valužė, our lead scientist of this field, who has been actively involved in different activities related with international law issues concerning the war in Ukraine among the assessment of other recent events rising issues of international law.

The project will be conducted at Vilnius University Faculty of Law. Participation can only be done in contact—remote (online) participation is not possible.

Salary: 3096 EUR per month (pre-tax).


Requirements: a PhD degree, obtained no earlier than 5 years ago from a submission date (not including maternity, paternity or childcare leave). The degree must not be obtained at Vilnius University.


Applicants are required to provide the following documents:

  • application form with a proposal summary (please find attached),
  • curriculum vitae,
  • a list of publications,
  • a copy of the PhD diploma,
  • recommendations of two other researchers or scientists.


Application deadline: April 1, 2025.


How to apply? Please send your application form to Ms. Ramunė Žiedė ( or contact to express your interest in making an application based on your research interests.