On 18th of September the two-week lecture series about “U.S. Securities Law and Litigation“ has started. The lectures are taught by Vilnius University Faculty of Law guest from United States H. Michael Semler. The lecturer started his presentation about how to become a lawyer at the United States. During the new two weeks students and law practitioners will be listening about current US securities law and litigation. M. Semler will discuss and share his experience about the regulatory framework, the policies behind the securities laws, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), how securities violations are investigated by the SEC and litigated in U.S. courts, lessons from the 2008 credit crisis, recent Supreme Court decisions, insider trading, brokers and investment advisors, class action litigation, whistle-blower protections, arbitration of investor claims, high-frequency trading, and “crowd-funding.” The lecturer will address the international reach of US securities laws and the anti-bribery provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.