Main page > Events > Research Seminar for PhD students and newer academics by Prof. Dr. J. Sarkin

Research Seminar for PhD students and newer academics by Prof. Dr. J. Sarkin

Date and time:31 October 2019,

10:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.

Place:VU Faculty of Law, K. L. Sapiegos (302) auditorium

Today, conducting research, publishing, and participating in conferences are vital to advancing an academic career. Conducting high legal research, publishing in well regarded journals and attending conferences are vital to achieve this.

Legal research demands imagination, creativity, discipline and structure. It needs much planning and tremendous amounts of work: especially reading. Reading and engaging with what is read is an essential element of legal research. However, legal research is much more than simply going to find material. The work in that field in general has to be found, what is relevant needs to be read, it needs to be understood, it must be engaged with and critiqued. The work must then be written in a way that is understandable and has something to say.

This seminar examines how to plan for and conduct high impact research, how to get published in the best journals and how to choose what conferences to attend. It explores the publishing process and examines how to advance the career of an academic through planning to have research impact.

A seminar on planning for Research, Publishing, and Participation in Conferences will be held on 31 Oct 10-11 a.m. at auditorium 302 (Faculty of Law).