Main page > Events > International Conference “Major Public Risks: Achieving Effective Regulatory Supervision”

International Conference “Major Public Risks: Achieving Effective Regulatory Supervision”

Date and time:11–12 February 2025,

08:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.

Place:Vilnius University, Aula Parva (Universiteto str. 3, Vilnius)


The conference gathers complementary perspectives on major public risks and how to effectively prevent and manage them using regulation, in particular by making regulatory supervision more effective.

It covers several crucial areas both for public safety and health (food safety, environmental protection) and for strategic security (energy, water supply, networks), with presenters and participants from various countries and fields of expertise. Making regulations more effective (in particular at the “delivery” stage) through better understanding of the mechanisms of risk, improved risk data, overcoming of silos, and systematic information sharing, will be the fundamental cross-cutting themes of the conference.

Insights from the conference will help guide future regulatory transformation and strengthen the overall governance of major public risks, including those to public health, environment, and infrastructure. More systemic and effective regulatory supervision, better involving all stakeholders, will help improve risk governance, delivering improved public welfare and security.

Partners of the event – Law Firm COBALT and Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania.