On Ukraine’s Independence Day, the publication of the VU Law Faculty scholars “Challenges and opportunities in Law. Ukrainian Case under the conditions of War”. The idea of writing such a publication was conceived after the outbreak of the war and after the gathering of scholars from different Ukrainian universities at the Ukrainian Law Centre Read more
VU Law Faculty
The International Experts’ Commission highly appreciates the scientific activity of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University
This week, the results of the Comparative Expert Assessment of Research and Development (R&D) Activities 2018-2023, which took place at the Law Faculty of Vilnius University on 28 March, were revealed. It is gratifying that the conclusions of the foreign expert commission highly appreciated the efforts and scientific activities of the VU Law Faculty Read more
Publication commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and the Constitutional Court
A special issue of the international journal “Review of Central and East European Law” has been published to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and the 30th anniversary of the Constitutional Court. This publication is significant in Lithuanian legal scholarship because it is the first to focus on Read more
As we learn from the Hollywood movies, USA lawyers are notoriously eloquent, and trials in this country often reminds plays. While the image of lawyers in the movies may not necessarily match the reality, US lawyers do have exceptional analytical, quick-thinking, and responsive skills. One of the prerequisites for this ability is the analytical Read more
Jewish Law School at Vilnius University
Today, on the initiative of the Embassy of Lithuania in Israel and the VU Law Faculty, the Jewish Law Summer School “7th Historical Jewish Law Moot Court – The Rabbinic Tribunal of Vilnius” started at Vilnius University. The participants were welcomed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vigita Vėbraitė, Vice-Dean for Studies of the VU Law Read more
Interview with international student Divya Negi
Divya Negi came to Lithuania to study Master‘s degree program “International and European Law” at the Law Faculty of Vilnius University. While being a student and living in Vilnius, she experienced a new and interactive study process among international students and got to know Lithuanian culture. Divya shares her impressions and thoughts in this Read more
VU Law Faculty will coordinate a project funded by the EC SOCPL programme
The project “Protecting Working Conditions in the Platform Economy: Moldovian-Lithuanian Social Dialogue”, submitted by the team of the Law Faculty of Vilnius University, has received funding from the European Commission’s (EC) Social Prerogative and Specific Competences Lines (SOCPL) programme. This programme is linked to other EC programmes such as European Horizon, JUSTICE, which are Read more
Discussion about EU Security through the lens of semiconductor industry
The much discussed topic of semiconductor manufacturing was discussed yesterday at the event “From the Chip Shortage to the EU Chip Act – EU Security through the lens of semiconductors”. The panellists were Prof. Sandy Chou, currently a Fulbright researcher at Palacký University in the Czech Republic, and Dr. Donatas Murauskas of the VU Read more
Lectures at VU Law Faculty by CJEU judge Dr. Irmantas Jarukaitis
This week Dr. Irmantas Jarukaitis, Judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union, visited the VU Law Faculty and held two lectures. I. Jarukatis presented a paper on “The Relationship between Internal Market Freedoms and Fundamental Rights in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union” on 29 Read more
Lectures on Corporate Law held by Prof. Carmelo Massimo De Iuliis
This week, at the invitation of Gintautas Bartkus, associate professor of partnership and lawyer, VU Law Faculty hosted Carmelo Massimo De Iuliis, professor of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. Professor held live and online lectures on corporate law to the faculty members. Prof. Carmelo Massimo De Iuliis presented the EU competences in Read more