Webinar on EU Small Claims procedure took place at Vilnius University Faculty of Law

On the 20th of May webinar „EU Small Claims Procedure “was organised at VU Faculty of Law within the frame of SCAN (Small Claims Analysis Net) project. Event was moderated by Assoc. Professor Rimantas Simaitis. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vigita Vėbraitė presented the main aims and rules of the EU Regulation  No 861/2007. Judge of Vilnius Read more

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Vilnius University students’ impressions of Law Without Walls

Vilnius University has been participating in the Law Without Walls (LWOW) for 5 years (want to know more about this project – click here). It is honoured to be the part of the experiential learning initiative designed for practicing and aspiring legal and business professionals that brings a human-centered design perspective to law. Even a Read more

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Students participated in Willem C Vis Moot #2020 virtually

Willem C Vis Moot #2020 journey has come to an end. Four days of intensive pleading rounds online were challenging, yet very much rewarding for our students – Gabrielė Raižytė, Rūta Vaicekauskaitė, Karolis Šikšnys, Gabrielius Matonis, Ainis Augustas Petrulis and Vilius Norvaišas. The competition gathered (or, rather, connected :)) some 300 university teams from all Read more

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VU Faculty of Law virtual team

VU Faculty of Law is a team! Dear students and lecturers! Vilnius University is rapidly entering the virtual-digital university phase, but our main goal remains the same – to seek and provide the best legal education. We all need to be a TEAM! I invite everyone join the University TEAMS platform and our lives will not Read more

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Regarding study process upcoming weeks

World Health Organization has declared the infections COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus a pandemic, therefore the University has decided to preventively halt the study process for the upcoming 14 days starting from today until 27 of March with a possibility to extend the deadline if needed. Students and employees should study remotely via on-line measures – lectures Read more

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Discussing Interaction of Human Rights in Europe and the US

Diverging human rights standards in the US and Europe discussed in the guest lecture of Dr. Donatas Murauskas at Wake Forest University School of Law, USA on 24 February 2020. The lecture titled “The U.S. Effect: Influences on the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights” focused on specific examples how the difference Read more

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Concerning the threat of Coronavirus

Dear Members of VU Faculty of Law Community, Considered the situation concerning Coronavirus (COVID-19), which has been also detected in Lithuania, I would like to inform you about further study process at our Faculty. First of all, I would like to stress that at this moment lectures and seminars, also exams are not postponed or Read more

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Conference of PhD Students and Young Researchers “The future decade of EU Law” is cancelled

  Due to the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) the conference this year is unfortunately postponed. The date of next year conference will be announced later.  The Conference is the annual event of The International Network of Doctoral Studies in Law, which was founded by Vilnius University Faculty of Law, Frankfurt am Main J.W. Goethe University Read more

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Invitation to test tool of CREA project

Upon successful completion of the CREA project on ‘Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms’, team of the project is pleased to announce the launch of the CREA software. This unique programme of its kind is designed as a model of algorithmic dispute resolution that can be applied in disputes related to asset-division in divorce and inheritance. Read more

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Experience from Harvard CopyrightX Course at Vilnius University

In the spring of 2019, Vilnius University Faculty of Law (“VU TF”) and Harvard Law School (“HLS”) implemented cooperation on an educational project to promote knowledge about American copyright law. CopyrightX is a twelve-week interactive lecture series on United States copyright law organized by Harvard Law School and affiliate institutions around the world. Forty VU Read more

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