VU Faculty of Law students participated in mediation competition

Vilnius University team, consisting of second year law students Arnas Sabalys and Robertas Remeika, participated in one of the most prestigious mediation competition in the world. The competition, which took place between 5th-11th of February, was organised by ICC Paris for the 16th time this year and attracted 48 teams from 39 countries. Students participated Read more

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International ECLAN PhD Seminar first time held at the Faculty of Law

Vilnius University Faculty of Law together with The European Criminal Law Academic Network (hereinafter, ECLAN) is proud to announce that the 9th ECLAN PhD Seminar on European Criminal Justice “The significance of EU criminal law in the 21st century: the need for further harmonisation or new criminal policy?“ was held in Vilnius (virtually) on 28-29 Read more

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International conference papers “The Future Decade of the EU Law” have been published

The eight edition of international conference papers of the PhD students and young researchers has been published. This year once again it is devoted to very challenging and many different discussions raising topic “The Future Decade of the EU Law”. The  conference and this electronic publication is one of the main field of activities of The Read more

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Regarding studies at VU Faculty of Law in spring semester

Given the risks of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was decided that at least until 2021 April 1, all subjects in the spring semester of all study programs in Vilnius University Faculty of Law will be performed remotely, including interim exams (if possible – also final exams). This applies for subjects implemented by VU Faculty of Law lecturers and Read more

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Webinar on European small claims procedure has been organized

VU Faculty of Law scholars participate in EU Commission’s funden project SCAN (Small Claims Analysis Net). In order to dessiminate to results webinar “EU Small Claims Procedure: Quo Vadis?” (Lithuanian „ES nedidelių sumų nagrinėjimo procedūra: quo vadis?“) was organized on the 20th of January. Assoc. prof. Rimantas Simaitis, Assoc. prof. Vigita Vėbraitė and Milda Markevičiūtė Read more

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VU Faculty of Law professors appointed to be judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Lithuania

On Thursday, the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania appointed Giedrė Lastauskienė, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Law at Vilnius University Faculty of Law, to become a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania. Egidija Tamošūnienė and Artūras Driukas, partnership professors of the Department of Private Law, were also appointed Read more

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Prof. Aurelijus Gutauskas was elected as a member of the Group of Experts on the Action against Trafficking in Human Beings

Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings elected the Chairman of the Criminal Cases Division of the Supreme Court of Lithuania and a Professor of Criminal Justice at Vilnius University (VU) Faculty of Law Aurelijus Gutauskas to be a member of the Group of Experts Read more

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Apply to Clinton Global Initiative

The Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) has recently announced the launch of our 2021 student application, which will feature a virtual event this spring 2021. The Clinton Global Initiative University is looking for higher education student leaders who are committed to take action in their community to address a pressing challenge. We are looking Read more

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Dr. Inga Martinkutė published article in the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law

VU Faculty of Law lecturer dr. Inga Martinkutė published her article on the overview of conceptual problems in the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law published by Oxford University Press. She discussed how different states protect private property, where are the limits of private property, which cultures and traditions prioritise individual interest in property, Read more

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Scholars of VU Faculty of Law published book „Legal Developments during 30 Years of Lithuanian Independence”

International publisher “Springer” has published a book written by Vilnius University Faculty of Law scholars „Legal Developments during 30 Years of Lithuanian Independence”. This book provides an overview of selected major areas of legal and institutional development in Lithuania since the Restoration of Independence in 1990. The respective 4 chapters discuss changes in fields varying Read more

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