2024 The European Society of International Law annual conference will take place in Vilnius

The Law Faculty of Vilnius University will be glad to welcome international lawyers to Vilnius in 2024. President of the European Society of International Law Prof. Dr. Pierre d’Argent said, “VU Law Faculty’s bid to host the 2024 ESIL Annual Conference in Vilnius has been accepted with enthusiasm and gratitude by the Board”. The topic of Read more

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Project “Law Without Walls” is back!

Students are invited from 20 September 2021 until 1 November 2021 to register to participate in the LAW WITHOUT WALLS (LWOW). The Registration Form and all information about the LWOW can be found here (participant fee and travel expenses will be paid by the Faculty of Law). Students who have submitted their registration will be Read more

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Ukrainian scholars visited VU Faculty of Law

Scholars of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Institute of Law visited VU Faculty of Law. It took place within the frame of project “Strengthening of ADR in Lithuania and Ukraine”. It was the first in person international visit to the Faculty during the pandemic. Delegation also visited Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court, the Lithuanian Supreme Read more

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Students greeted by the administration of VU Faculty of Law

On the 10th of September students of Master programme “International and EU Law” and Erasmus+ visiting students were greeted virtually by the Dean of the Law Faculty prof. Tomas Davulis, assoc. prof. dr. Vigita Vėbraitė and foreign students administrator Ingrida Rabačiauskaitė. All participants of the event were happy that quite many Erasmus+ programme students (more Read more

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Regarding studies at VU Faculty of Law during autumn semester 2021/2022

In order to ensure the quality of studies is properly maintained, taking into account the epidemiological situation in Lithuania and the legal regulation, administraction of Vilnius University Faculty of Law made a decision that the study process for the Master degree programme  and lectures, which are organized in English language (Erasmus+ students) will be organized Read more

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Vilnius University Faculty of Law experts participate in EU funded Twinning project in Azerbaijan

On August 9-13, 2021, Vilnius University, Faculty of Law experts – prof. dr. Jurgita Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė, dr. Dovilė Pūraitė-Andrikienė, assoc. prof. dr. Ilona Michailovič and associate professor of practice Arūnas Meška went to the capital of Azerbaijan Baku. In recent months, during the activities of the European Union-funded Twinning Program project “Strengthening the capacity of State bodies and Read more

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Turkish website presents Master degree programme of VU Faculty of Law

Turkish Website “E-mails to a young lawyer” writes about Vilnius University Faculty of Law. Assoc. prof. dr. Vigita Vėbraitė spoke with the representative of the website. She says that Vilnius University Faculty of Law would be happy to welcome more students from Turkey. Life in Vilnius is dynamic, but it is also  simple and easy Read more

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International conference about investment arbitration reform has been organized by VU Faculty of Law

On 27-28 May 2021, Vilnius University Faculty of Law hosted a conference, “Investment Arbitration Reform and the Termination of Intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties”, discussing the status of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Europe with the emphasis on its Eastern region. Dr Inga Martinkutė (Vilnius University) moderated the first panel of speakers focusing on the main narratives Read more

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Admission to doctoral studies in 2021

Vilnius University Faculty of Law is the first Lithuanian institution of legal education. Here is the place where the academic experience retained and cherished for centuries and the young, energetic staff’s expertise and mature approach to work merge. Everyone who is interested in law, its history and various achievements of contemporary legal science is welcome Read more

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Dr. Laurynas Didžiulis published article on EU Digital Content Directive And Evolution Of Lithuanian Contract Law

Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (JIPITEC) published an article written by VU Faculty of assoc. prof. dr. Laurynas Didžiulis.  The publication is dedicated to EU Digital Content Directive And evolution of Lithuanian contract law. The author states that the Lithuanian pre-draft mostly reflects a cautious and conservative approach for implementation of the Read more

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