The much discussed topic of semiconductor manufacturing was discussed yesterday at the event “From the Chip Shortage to the EU Chip Act – EU Security through the lens of semiconductors”. The panellists were Prof. Sandy Chou, currently a Fulbright researcher at Palacký University in the Czech Republic, and Dr. Donatas Murauskas of the VU Read more
Lectures at VU Law Faculty by CJEU judge Dr. Irmantas Jarukaitis
This week Dr. Irmantas Jarukaitis, Judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union, visited the VU Law Faculty and held two lectures. I. Jarukatis presented a paper on “The Relationship between Internal Market Freedoms and Fundamental Rights in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union” on 29 Read more
Lectures on Corporate Law held by Prof. Carmelo Massimo De Iuliis
This week, at the invitation of Gintautas Bartkus, associate professor of partnership and lawyer, VU Law Faculty hosted Carmelo Massimo De Iuliis, professor of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. Professor held live and online lectures on corporate law to the faculty members. Prof. Carmelo Massimo De Iuliis presented the EU competences in Read more
Panel of legal experts has visited VU Law Faculty
On 28 March 2023, the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University hosted a Comparative Expert Assessment of Research and Development (R&D) Activities which is organized by Research Council of Lithuania (further – RCL). RCL compiled a panel of legal experts, which evaluated Faculty’s of Law research level in the field of law. During the Read more
Didier Reynders, member of the European Commission visited Vilnius University
Didier Reynders, member of the European Commission responsible for justice, visited Vilnius University yesterday. During the visit, he met with VU Rector Prof. Rimvydas Petrauskas and assoc. prof. dr. Haroldas Šinkūnas, the Dean of Vu Law Faculty. The discussion after the meeting was attended by D. Reynders, prof. R. Petrauskas, assoc. prof. dr. H. Šinkūnas, Read more
Researcher of the University of Lodz visited VU Law Faculty
Today, a researcher from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz, dr. Thomas Banach visited VU Law Faculty. The guest held a lecture „Unwritten Constitution of the Roman Republic“. Lecture, which had been organised by assoc. prof. Indrė Isokaitė-Valužė, Dr. T. Banach presented forms of governance in the Republic of Rome, Read more
Professor Jurgita Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė and a phd candidate Goda Strikaitė-Latušinskaja visited the University of Bergen
The week started at the University of Bergen. A professor of the Department of Public Law J. Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė together with a PhD candidate G. Strikaitė-Latušinskaja presented to the colleagues from Bergen, Norway the activities of the scientific thematic group “Changes in the administrative law system: towards an adaptive leadership in public administration” and discussed new Read more
President of France Emmanuel Macron Awarded the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa of VU
Today, President of France Emmanuel Macron visited Vilnius University (VU), where he was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of VU at a solemn ceremony. During the visit, the French leader also took part in a discussion in which he discussed in detail the current issues of the European economy, relations with the world’s Read more
Famous Polish professor Jan Widacki visited VU Faculty of Law
Today famous Polish professor Jan Widacki visited VU Faculty of Law and gave a lecture on use of polygraph in criminal procedure. Administration of the Faculty and professor J. Widacki also discussed possibilities to broaden cooperation and to develop joint research on polygraph. Jan Stefan Widacki is a Polish lawyer, historian, essayist, academic, diplomat and politician. Read more
European Commissioner participated in the discussion on the future of Europe
On the 23rd of November discussion organised by Vilnius University Faculty of Law together with European Commission representation office in Lithuania took place at Aula Parva of Vilnius University. European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Věra Jourová, Lithuanian minister of foreign affairs Linas Linkevičius, VU Faculty of Law dean prof. dr. Tomas Davulis and Vice-director of Read more