On the eve of Vilnius university’s (VU) 444th birthday, we would like to invite you to participate in the “Scientific Sprint” competition on MARCH 30, 18:00-21:00 at Artistai (Šv. Kazimiero str. 3)! This scientific communication event requires participants to present their research or scientific idea they find fascinating in 3 minutes. The authors of the Read more
Admission to European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation
European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation E.MA opens door to interdisciplinary one-year course (in English), comprising studies for one semester in Global Campus Headquarters Venice and the second semester in one of more than 40 European universities, participating in the programme. E.MA studies integrate sciences of law, politics, history, philosophy and other Read more
Registration for selections for study exchange in 2023-2024 fall semester is open
We kindly invite students to register for ERASMUS+, ARQUS/Coimbra group or bilateral exchange selections for the fall semester or academic year of the 2023-2024 academic year. Registration takes place until March 1st. Registration for ERASMUS+ exchange selection here. Information about the list of universities and available quotas. Registration for ARQUS and Coimbra group exchange Read more
Graduates of VU Law Faculty have received their diplomas during the solemn ceremony
On January 26th graduates of Vilnius University Law Faculty have received their diplomas. The Ceremony took place in th Church of St. Johns. Diplomas were given to graduates of integral and sessional studies and to graduates of master programs: “Criminal justice”, “ES business law”, “International and European Law”. 42 students successfully graduated studies in Read more
Share your opinion and win VU souvenirs!
We invite you to fill in a questionnaire and give feedback on your studies at Vilnius University. You opinion is important to us! As well it is an opportunity to win Vilnius University souvenirs.
The international competition of student research projects
Yaroslav Mudryі National Law University The Department of Criminal Law would like to invite you to participate in the international competition of student research projects. The competition is invited to submit prepared research projects with the theme “Criminal legal reflections on current challenges of the time”. The competition is open to students (cadets) / Read more
Prof. dr. Aurelijus Gutauskas elected as the best teacher in the VU Law Faculty
This year students of VU Law Faculty elected as the best teacher prof. dr. Aurelijus Gutauskas, who teaches criminal law. Today he received the diploma from rector of Vilnius University, professor Rimvydas Petrauskas, congratulations for honorable academic! Prof. dr. A. Gutauskas says, that this evaluation is the highest for him as teacher and human. Read more
Dean’s congratulation words
Dear professors and teachers, all faculty employees! Our beloved students! Kazimierz Leon Sapieha, who held a high public position, understood that IUSTITIA EST FUNDAMENTUM REGNORUM – justice is the foundation of the state. Not surprisingly, he received his education by studying at the best Western European universities of the time – Leuven, Brussels, Bologna and Read more
Invitation to join a course on American copyright law – copyrightX
Vilnius University Faculty of Law would like to invite you to join CopyrightX. It is a 12-week course offered by Vilnius University Law Faculty and Harvard Law School about American copyright law. Students who manage to compete the course will be eligible to get a CopyrightX certificate. Lectures begin on February 1, 2022, so hurry Read more
Distinguished guests congratulated VU Faculty of Law on its anniversary
On the 11th of October Vilnius University Faculty of Law celebrated its 380th anniversary. During the celebratory Faculty council meeting faculty community was honored by several guests, who joined the event: His Excellency President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda, Rector of Vilnius University Rimvydas Petrauskas, Chairman of the Council of Judges Sigita Rudėnaitė, Read more