Internationally well known publisher “Wolters Kluwer” has published a book called “Property and Trust Law in Lithuania”, which has been written by Assoc. Prof. Dr. of Vilnius University Faculty of Law Andrius Smaliukas. Various aspects of Lithuanian property and trust law, also taking into consideration legal, cultural and historical deliberations, are analysed in the book.
Electronic publication “How deep is your law? Brexit. Technologies. Modern conflicts”
The fifth edition of international conference papers of the PhD students and young researchers has been published. This year it is devoted to very challenging and many different discussions raising topic “How Deep is Your Law? Brexit. Technologies. Modern conflicts”. Themes of presentations span from possible effects of Brexit for Eastern European countries to protection Read more
Peter Lang published conference material
Prestigious publisher Peter Lang has published material of international conference organised last year by Vilnius University Faculty of Law. The book is called “Labour law reforms in Eastern and Western Europe”. The selection of academic contributions intends to provide an overview of recent developments in the legal regulation of labour markets in Eastern and Western Read more