Vilnius University offers a unique Master’s programme at EMA, The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation. The first semester of the programme is devoted to general studies at the Global Centre for Human Rights in Venice, and the second semester is dedicated to the Master’s thesis at one of the selected 43 Read more
International Network
Vilnius University Faculty of Law invites young researchers to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in law
Vilnius University Faculty of Law invites young researchers to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in law in Vilnius starting from the year of 2025. It is a great opportunity for young researchers to deepen their knowledge and expertise with qualified supervisors and colleagues right at the heart of Lithuanian capital Vilnius. Vilnius university is Read more
Pei-Fen Chen, a professor from Taiwan, visited VU Law Faculty
This week, the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University hosted Professor Pei-Fen Chen from Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. Today, she gave a lecture on “Comparison of Green Financial Development and Policy in Taiwan and the EU”, organised by Dr Rita Remeikienė, to the Vilnius University community. The Read more
The 18th European Law Summer School was concluded yesterday. All week, since September 6th, students had been listening lectures on topic “Europe in a state of emergency – with what Law?” (ger. „Europa im Ausnahmezustand – mit welchem Recht?“, fr. „L’Europe en état d’urgence – avec quel droit?“). This year, the annual event attracted Read more
As we learn from the Hollywood movies, USA lawyers are notoriously eloquent, and trials in this country often reminds plays. While the image of lawyers in the movies may not necessarily match the reality, US lawyers do have exceptional analytical, quick-thinking, and responsive skills. One of the prerequisites for this ability is the analytical Read more
Pr. Wanda Mastor presented peculiarities of two constitutionalisms
Yesterday the VU Law Faculty hosted Professor Wanda Mastor, Associate Professor of Public Law and Director of the Centre of Comparative Law at the Capitol University. She gave a lecture on “A Tale of Two Constitutionalisms” and presented the differences between judicial review in Europe and in United States of America. In order to ensure Read more
VU Faculty of Law hosted International Conference for PhD Students
On the 18th and 19th Vilnius University Faculty of Law of Vilnius hosted the 10th International Conference of PhD students and young researchers “The Good, the Bad and the Legal: Balance between Stability and Disruptions of Law”. More than 30 PhD students from Lithuania, Poland, Germany, France, Belgium, Portugal and Slovenia participated in the scientific Read more
Online discussion about the civil rights of Native Americans
Dr. Donatas Murauskas (VU Law Faculty) and Prof. Grant Christensen (Stetson University College of Law) covered the legal issues faced by the indigenous communities in the USA and matters related to their tribal sovereignty during the discussion “Civil rights for native Americans”, which was held online on April 24th. In the first part of Read more
Publication for the International PhD Students Conference
We kindly invite you to read a special publication for the 9th international PhD students conference, which took place in 2022. Conference was organised by the International Network of Doctoral Studies in Law. This publications contains 11th reports, which were presented during the conference by PhD students and young researchers from various countries. Publication Read more
Invitation to make presentation at the International Conference of PhD Students and Young Researchers
10th International Conference of PhD Students and Young Researchers “The Good, the Bad and the Legal: Balance between Stability and Disruptions of Law” will take place in Vilnius on 18-19 of May 2023. Call for abstracts is open until the 1st of April. Detailed call for abstracts can be found here. PRELIMINARY SECTIONS ►Law and Read more