Law Faculty Held an International Conference “Ways of Implementation of the Right to Civil Proceedings within a Reasonable Time”

On 30 September, Vilnius University hosted two day-long international conference “Ways of Implementation of the Right to Civil Proceedings within a Reasonable Time”. During the conference, the problems associated with the civil proceedings were discussed by scholars from Austria, Australia, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine and, of course, Lithuania. In addition, a Read more

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Faculty of Law Moot Court Team – Among the Best Eight

On 27-31 July 2016, Vilnius University’s Faculty of Law team took part in the International Criminal Law Competition – Nuremberg Moot Court 2016. The competition was held in the historic Courtroom 600 where, in 1945-1949, World War II criminals were brought to justice. Faculty of Law team –Ingrida Milkaitė, Aurelija Baltikauskaitė, Dovydas Gudžiūnas and team Read more

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Art Law Summer School in Riga

On 11–13 July 2016, for the first time in the Baltic and Scandinavian regions Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) organised an Art Law summer school „Introduction to Art Law in the Baltic-Nordic Region“ – a week-long intensive course dedicated exclusively to interdisciplinary legal topics such as art and cultural heritage law. Ten experts in Read more

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VU Faculty of Law’s Students Performed Exceptionally Well at the Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition and Won the 2nd Place in the Finals!

On 24-25 June, the 1st Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition for international labour law took place in Amsterdam. The HS MCC is an initiative from five befriended lecturers in labour law. The aim of the HS MCC is to deepen and improve the knowledge of employment and labour law at the European level. This year, Read more

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13th European Law Summer School in Lithuania

On 27 June – 4 July, Vilnius University hosted the European Law Summer School. This year, the unique international initiative, organised by three universities, brought together academics to discuss topical legal issues of migration in the European Union. “Mass migration processes in Europe are a relevant subject of contemporary legal discourse. In order to find Read more

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Professor Jonas Prapiestis Participated in the 10th Russian Criminal Law Congress in Moscow

On 26-27 May, Jonas Prapiestis, Professor at the Department of Criminal Justice, Faculty of Law, participated in the 10th Congress of the Russian Criminal Law in Moscow. This international congress is organized by the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology of Moscow M.V. Lomonosov University, with which the Department of Criminal Justice of Vilnius has Read more

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Lithuania is Not an Exception: Labour Law Reform Rocks Many European Countries

On 12-13 May, the labour law reform in Europe was discussed by labour law experts from 18 European countries at the conference organized at the Ministry of Justice, and in the commemoration of the 375th anniversary of the founding of VU Faculty of Law. Conference participants were welcomed by the Lithuanian Justice Minister Juozas Bernatonis, Read more

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Moot Court – Our Students Are Once Again Among the Best

The 22nd annual Central and Eastern European Moot Court Competition (CEEMC) took place this year in the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, 29 April – 2 May. The representatives of Lithuania were students of Vilnius University – Ana Kazanceva, Gintautė Neverauskaite, Meda Alesiūtė, Paulius Vaitkevičius. CEEMC is the moot court competition of European Court of Justice Read more

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The Delegation of the Kingdom of Thailand Visited the Faculty

On 25 May, the heads of the Faculty of Law welcomed the judges of the Constitutional Court of Thailand and the Honorary Consul of Thailand Nualphan Lamsam. During the meeting, Dean of the Faculty Prof. dr. Tomas Davulis told the story of Vilnius University and the Faculty of Law. Later, Dr. I. Isokaitė gave a Read more

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Professor Hab. Dr. Vytautas Nekrošius became President of Association of Lawyers of Lithuania

Today, a new president of the Lithuania Lawyers Association (LLA), namely, the Faculty of Law’s professor hab. dr. Vytautas Nekrošius has been elected.  He is to replace Chairman of the Council of the Lithuanian Bar Association prof. dr. Ignas Vėgėlė who has been the president of LLA for three years. “The LLA has to become Read more

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