The Joint Workshop for PhD Students

On 11th – 12th of May, 2017 Faculty of Law of Vilnius University, together with other social sciences faculties of Vilnius University, organized the joint workshop for PhD students. The workshop was held in the practice base of Vilnius University in Puvočiai village (Varėna district). The training brought together PhD students and lecturers from different Read more

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Cycle of lectures „Labour and Employment Law in the United States“

Vilnius University Faculty of Law kindly invites you to participate in the cycle of lectures „Labour and Employment Law in the United States“ taught by Vilnius University Faculty of Law guest from United States J. D. Margaret Hart Edwards. Participation is free of charge. Certificate of participation will be issued if your involvement is at Read more

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Guest Lecture “Modern trends and New tendencies in Company Law“

We are happy to invite you to participate in lecture “Modern trends and New tendencies in Company Law”  by  JUDr. Žofia Šuleková, PhD., MCL from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Kosice (Slovakia). Lectures will be held on the 26th of April 2017, from 11:00 to 13:00, and on the 27th of April 2017, from 9:00 to 11:00 Read more

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Guest lecture “Competition Law”

We are happy to invite you to participate in lecture “Competition Law” by Dr. Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk (University of Wroclaw). Date and time: 26th of April 2017, form 13:00 to 17:00 Place: Vilnius University Faculty of Law, room 604 Language of the lectures: English Registration: by e-mail – the subject of e-mail „Registration – Competition Law“  please Read more

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Prof. Dr. Enver Hasani (Kosovo) lectures at the Faculty of Law

We kindly invite you to participate in lectures given by Professor of University of Prishtina, President of the  Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo Enver Hasani:  On the 25th of April, 11:00 – 15:00, “Succession of States and the Case of Former Yugoslavia” On the 27th of April, 11:00 – 15:00, “Constitutional Identity from a Read more

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Cycle of seminars „American Litigation Skills Seminar: From Accepting a Client to Finishing an Appeal“

We kindly invite you to participate in the cycle of seminars taught by Vilnius University Faculty of Law guest Assoc. Prof. Dr. Priscilla Harris from U.S.  Mrs. P. Harris will present the “American Litigation Skills Seminar: From Accepting a Client to Finishing an Appeal“. Registration is open until the 10th of May 2017 by filling Read more

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Registration to the European Law Summer School in Vilnius

Vilnius University Faculty of Law, University of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense invite you to register and participate in the 14th European Law Summer School “Peut-on sauver l’Europe? Le futur de l’espace de sécurité, de liberté et de justice / Ist Europa noch zu retten? Die Read more

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Faculty of Law held a scientific discussion about the state neutrality principle

On 7-8 April, Faculty of Law of Vilnius University held a scientific discussion „The State Neutrality Principle: Theoretical Justification and Practical Challenges“. This discussion was organised together with partners from Jagellonian University in Cracow (Poland). During first day Dr. Wojciech Ciszewski (Jagellonian University) presented the project on the state neutrality principle and theoretical justifications of Read more

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Dr. Andželika Vosyliūtė participated in OLAF conference in Brussels

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) invited ES experts to the “Conference on the evaluation of Regulation 883/2013”, which took place at The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels on March 1st–2nd. The main focus of the conference was the European Parliament and Council regulation (ES, EURATOMAS) No. 883/2013 regarding OLAF investigative activities and Read more

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Discussion “March 11th: An Intersection of Law and Policy”

On 9th March, 2017 Lithuanian Lawyers Association, Vilnius University Faculty of Law and Vilnius University Lawyers Corporation (korp!Iustitia) organized a discussion dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania. Presentations about the Independence Declaration of Lithuania were presented by Dr. Stasys Šedbaras, Lithuanian Lawyers Association Board member and Deputy Chair Read more

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