Internship at the EUROPEAN COMMISSION – DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR HUMANITARIAN AID AND CIVIL PROTECTION – ECHO: Duration: 4 months Timing: 1st September, 2018 to 31st January, 2019 Place: DG ECHO in Brussels (rue d’Arlon 88, 1040 Brussels) Placing: see attached document University relation: Candidates must be students from a NOHA member university (Vilnius University) at the Read more

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Summer School on financial crime, corruption and money laundering

Invitation to participate in Summer School “Recent developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives”. The Summer School will take place in Thessaloniki, 4-12 July 2018. The application deadline is 6 May 2018. INVITATION

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Representatives of the Ukrainian commissioner for human rights institution visit Vilnius

On 3rd-5th of April representatives of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) institution visit Vilnius and different Lithuanian institutions. The trip was organised and financed by Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and VU Faculty of Law is responsible for coordinating different meetings in Lithuania. The visit started in Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Read more

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Legal Tech Vilnius hackathon

COBALT, ATEA and Vilnius Tech Park are organising the first in its series LegalTech Hackathon in Lithuania. VU Faculty of Law is also a partner of the event. Date: 16 – 17 March, 2018 Time: 16 March, 5PM – 17 March, 7 PM Place: Vilnius Tech Park We believe that technology will change the business of law significantly. Read more

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Company Law scholars gathered in Vilnius

  In 2015 Company Law experts in Lithuania launched a national scientific project “Convergence and Divergence of Companies: Is the Lithuanian Company Law Attractive in the International Context?” funded by the Lithuanian Research Council (No. MIP-020/2015). International scientific conference “Modernization of Company Law: effective, innovative and optimal solutions”, the final event of the project,  took Read more

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Lecture by EU Commissioner V. Andriukaitis “The Future of the European Union: Challenges and Prospects”

The French Institute in Lithuania kindly invites you to participate in the lecture “The Future of the European Union: Challenges and Prospects”, taught by the European Union Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis. Language of the lecture: Lithuanian with translation into French. Pre-registration online is required. Invitation (in Lithuanian and French)

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14th European Law Summer School has started in Vilnius

On 27th of June after celebratory ceremony in Aula Parva of Vilnius University already the 14th European Law Summer School has started. This year Summer School is dedicated to highly relevant topic about the future of freedom, security and justice areas in Europe. Such topic was influenced by Brexit referendum in United Kingdom and by Read more

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Students participated in Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition

A team composed of VU Faculty of Law students together with other leading universities in labour law participated in annual moot court competition, which took place on June 15-18 in Aarhus, Denmark. Students solved cases related to the transfer of undertaking, rights of employees in case of such a transfer, and non-discrimination (the right to Read more

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Graduation Ceremony

On 15th of June at St. John’s church took place traditional graduation ceremony for the students of Vilnius University Law of Faculty. This year 189 students obtained Master of Law diplomas. Also traditionally best Master thesis in areas of public and private law were awarded. Vice Rector of Vilnius University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valdas Jaskūnas, Read more

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Cycle of lectures taught by labour law expert J. D. Margaret Hart Edwards from US

On 8th – 12th of May, 2017, Vilnius University Faculty of Law invited students and law practioners to the cycle of lectures „Labour and Employment Law in the United States“ taught by Vilnius University Faculty of Law guest from United States J. D. Margaret Hart Edwards. The lecturer shared her knowledge and experience about discrimination, Read more

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