Today, 25th October, is the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania Day. The Constitution is inseparable from the vision of a democratic, free and human rights-respecting state. As we celebrate for the 31st time the Constitution adopted by referendum in 1992, let us remember the foundations it laid for the future life of the Read more
Discussion on the Occasion of the Upcoming Constitution Day
Today, on the occasion of the upcoming Constitution Day, a discussion-conference “Thirty-one Years of the Constitution and the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Constitutional Court: what has been achieved and what is sustainable, and what is not so much” was held, which was organised by Prof. Dr. (HP) Egidijus Šileikis. Participants of the discussion – Read more
Publication commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and the Constitutional Court
A special issue of the international journal “Review of Central and East European Law” has been published to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and the 30th anniversary of the Constitutional Court. This publication is significant in Lithuanian legal scholarship because it is the first to focus on Read more
Pr. Wanda Mastor presented peculiarities of two constitutionalisms
Yesterday the VU Law Faculty hosted Professor Wanda Mastor, Associate Professor of Public Law and Director of the Centre of Comparative Law at the Capitol University. She gave a lecture on “A Tale of Two Constitutionalisms” and presented the differences between judicial review in Europe and in United States of America. In order to ensure Read more
The presentation-discussion of the book “On the road with the Constitution” was held at the VU Law Faculty
Yesterday during an event in VU Law Faculty was presented a collection of 18 peer-reviewed scientific articles about public law problems – „Kelyje su Konstitucija” (english: “On the road with the Constitution”), which is dedicated to prof. dr. Augustinas Normantas on the occasion of his anniversary. During the event the book was gave in Read more
Vilnius University has published a collection of law scholars scientific articles
Vilnius University has published a collection of peer-reviewed scientific articles „Kelyje su Konstitucija” (english: “On the road with the Constitution”), which is dedicated for 70 years anniversary of professor dr. Augustinas Normantas. Collection contains 18th scientific articles, which analyze constitutional, criminal, international law and other problems relevant to legal regulations of society life, as Read more
The international conference on the occasion of the 30 years anniversary of the Constitution
Law Faculty of Vilnius University organized an international conference „The 30th Anniversary of the 1992 Lithuanian Constitution and Constitutional Challenges in the 21st Century“, which was dedicated to the occasion of the 30 years anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. Scholars and practicioners of law from Lithuania and abroad read their reports, Read more
VU Faculty of Law professors appointed to be judges of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Lithuania
On Thursday, the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania appointed Giedrė Lastauskienė, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Law at Vilnius University Faculty of Law, to become a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania. Egidija Tamošūnienė and Artūras Driukas, partnership professors of the Department of Private Law, were also appointed Read more
“The Constitution Cup” was awarded during the Constitution Days at VU Faculty of Law
This week Vilnius university (VU) Faculty of Law commemorates the Constitution Days (Kodi’2020) at the initiative of the VU Student Representation of the Faculty of Law (VU SA TF). During the celebration assoc. prof. dr. Vaidotas A. Vaičaitis gave a lecture remotely on the history of the development of the Constitution, and in the evening Read more