Main areas of scientific interest, research and expertise
Legal history, legal theory, constitutional law, public law.
- 2009 awarded a habilitated Doctor of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
- 1998 acquired a Doctor of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
- 1993 acquired a Master’s of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
Main Publications
- Machovenko, Jevgenij; Lytvynenko, Anatoliy. The Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Lithuanian Republic in the Application of Local Customs in Peasantry Inheritance Cases = Vyriausiojo Lietuvos tribunolo praktika taikant vietinius papročius valstiečių paveldėjimo bylose // Teisė, 2023, t. 126, pp. 8–20. ISSN 1392-1274 eISSN 2424-6050, DOI:
- Machovenko, Yevgeny. “…The fate of all of us depends solely on the introduction and improvement of the nation’s constitution…”: The May Third Constitution as a Testament to Future Generations = „…Mūsų visų likimas priklauso vien tik nuo tautos konstitucijos įvedimo ir ištobulinimo …“: Gegužės trečiosios Konstitucija kaip testamentas ateities kartoms) // Конституция – основа роскути двухи и состояние. To the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine: Зб. science work Materials ХІІ interna. science-practice conference (Kiyiv, June 24, 2021) = Constitution as a basis of state and social development. For the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine. Collection of academic works: materials of the XII international juridical conference (Kyiv, June 24, 2021). Київ: Ин-т джавый и права имены В. M. Корецкого НАН України, 2021. ISBN 9789660298781. p. 23-30.
- Machovenko, Yevgeny. The perspective of the fusion of legal history and legal theory: the experience of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University = Teisės istorijos ir teisės teorijos susiliejimo perspektyva: Vilniaus universiteto Teisės fakulteto patirtis // Оригинастия уридинской науки та общения в України й всёем: исторический профессион, можность стан та умично пресспективни. Зб. science праць: Materials ХІ interna. science-practice conference (Kiyiv, December 22, 2020). До 85-лиття вид дня продуване та 55-лиття вид бесплатно научної очности академика НАН України Ю. С. Шемшученка = Organization of legal research & education in Ukraine and worldwide: historical outline, current state and future prospects. Collection of academic works: materials of the XI international juridical conference (Kyiv, December 22, 2020). For the 85th anniversary and 55 years since the beginning of the research activity of academician of the NAS of Ukraine Yu. S. Shemshuchenko. Київ: Ин-т джавый и права имены В.М. Корецкого НАН України, 2021. ISBN 9789660297395. p. 36-41. Available online: <—istorichniy-dosvid_-suchasniy-stan-ta-maybutni – perspective.pdf>.
Main scientific and research projects
- Since 2022 April executive and chief researcher in the project “Publication of the Vilnius University Research Journal “VU mokslo darbai. Teisė”. The 10th call for the implementation of the dissemination project of the 2016-2024 State Program of Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination – IV competition (application registration No. P-LIP-22-48). A project financed by the Lithuanian Science Council.
- 2020 expert in the project “Development of the database “Lituanistika” (project code 09.3.3-ESFA-V-711-01-0002). A project financed by the Lithuanian Science Council.
- 2019-2021 executor and chief researcher in the project “Publication of the journal “VU mokslo darbai. Teisė” of Vilnius University”. State program of Lithuanian research and dissemination 2016-2024 (application registration No. P-LIP-19-48). A project financed by the Lithuanian Science Council. More information.
Membership in editorial boards
- Since 2023 member of the expert council of the peer-reviewed scientific journal “Конституційно-правові академични студиї = Constitutional and Legal Academic Studies” (Ukraine).
- Since 2012 member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Studia z dziejów Państwa i prawa polskiego” (Poland).
- Since 1999 editorial board member and corresponding secretary of the scientific journal “VU mokslo darbai. Teisė” (Lithuania).
Significant expert activity, membership
- Since 2016 expert in the science popularization essay contest organized by the astronomy popularization blog “Konstanta 42” and the portal.
- Since 2010 member of the doctoral committee of the VU Faculty of Law.
- Since 2009 head of the Legal History Research Center of the VU Faculty of Law.
- Since 2007 expert of the international scientific database “Lituanistika” managed by the Lithuanian Science Council.
- Since 2003 member of the Council of the VU Faculty of Law, corresponding secretary.
Popularization of science
- J. Machovenko. Restoration of the law faculty in interwar Vilnius and Kaunas. Comment on Teise.Pro, 2021.10.13
- J. Machovenko. Faculty of Law of Vilnius University and famous representatives of legal science in the middle of the 17th century and in the first half of the 19th century. Comment on Teise.Pro, 2021.10.12
- J. Machovenko. Vladislav IV Vaza and Kazimierz Leon Sapiega – the ruler of Lithuania, who established the Faculty of Law, and a generous patron who ensured the faculty’s activities. Comment on Teise.Pro, 2021.10.11
Russian, Lithuanian and English.