KONTAUTAS TOMAS, Senior lecturer Dr.
Main areas of scientific interest, research and expertise
Insurance Law, Finance Law, Arbitration and Litigation.
- 2006 acquired a Doctor of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
- 2002 acquired a Master’s of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Hamburg University and Erasmus University Rotterdam.
- 1999 acquired a Master’s of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
Main Publications
- Kontautas, Tomas; Klezys, Augustas; Asakavičius, Artūras. Lithuania // Review of Crowdfunding Regulation. Interpretations of existing regulation concerning crowdfunding in Europe, North America and Israel, 2014 / Editor: Oliver Gajda. Legal Editors: Tanja Aschenbeck-Florange, Thomas Nagel. Brussels : European Crowdfunding Network AISBL. 2014, p. 148-152. Access via internet: <http://www.osborneclarke.com/media/filer_public/61/fe/61fe40e6-5790-41d0-b181-bb2065bca9a8/ecn_-_review_of_crowdfunding_regulation_2014_3.pdf> [Accessed 16/02/2015].
- Luik, Olavi-Jüri; Kontautas, Tomas. Does the insurance premium payment regulation as stipulated in the Principles of European Insurance Contract Law protect policyholders sufficiently enough? = Ar draudimo įmokos mokėjimo reglamentavimas, įtvirtintas Europos draudimo sutarčių teisės principuose, pakankamai apsaugo draudėjus? // Verslo ir teisės aktualijos / Tarptautinė teisės ir verslo aukštoji mokykla. Vilnius : Tarptautinė teisės ir verslo aukštoji mokykla. ISSN 1822-9530. 2012, T. 7, nr. 1, p. 85-107.
Significant expert activity, membership
- 2018-2022 chair of the working group on Lithuanian Securitisation and Covered Bond Lon, EBRD and EC funded project for the Ministry of Finance.
- 2018-2022 chair of the working group on Lithuanian Strategy and Action Plan on Green and Sustainable Finance, EBRD and EC funded project for the Ministry of Finance.
- Member of the International Bar Association.
- Arbitrator of Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration.
- Member of the Lithuanian Bar Association.
Popularization of science