Main page > About us > Team > Scientists and Academics > DAVULIS TOMAS, Prof. Dr.
  • +370 5 236 6170
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Main areas of scientific interest, research and expertise

European Union law, labour law, non-discrimination law, constitutional law, human rights.


  • 2002 acquired a Doctor of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
  • 2001 acquired a LL.M of Law degree, Albert and Ludwig University of Freiburg – University of Breisgau in Freiburg.
  • 1993 acquired a Master’s of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.

Main Publications

  • Davulis, Tomas. Lithuania // Restatement of Labour Law in Europe. Volume III: Dismissal Protection: a handbook / edited by Bernd Waas. München: C.H. Beck, 2023. ISBN 9783406788970. p. 653-696.
  • Davulis, Tomas. Non-discrimination // Treaty on the functioning of the European Union – a commentary. Vol. I: Preamble / Blanke HJ., Mangiameli S. (eds). Cham: Springer Nature, 2021, art. no. 10. ISBN 9783030435097. eISBN 9783030435110. p. 281-297. (Springer commentaries on international and European law, ISSN 2662-9666, eISSN 2662-9674). DOI: 1007/978-3-030-43511-0_11.
  • Davulis, Tomas. Atypical employment relationships: the position in Lithuania // Restatement of labour law in Europe. Vol. 2: Atypical employment relationships / Editor(s): Bernd Waas, Guus Heerma van Voss. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019, chapter 19. ISBN 9781509912476. eISBN 9781509912452. p. 499-519.

More publications.

Main scientific and research projects

  • 2020-2021 component leader in the EU Twin project “Strengthening the capacity of State bodies and local level referral mechanisms to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence in Azerbaijan”.
  • 2018-2019 manager of the project “Organization of the preparation and training of the study on the application of quality standards of judicial procedural decisions” (No. 10.1.4-ESFA-V-922-01-003). The project was financed by the funds of the action program of investments of European Union funds.
  • 2017-2018 expert and institutional leader in the EU Twin project “Implementation of the best European practices with the aim of strengthening the institutional capacity of the Apparatus of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights to protect human rights and freedoms (Apparatus)”.

Membership in editorial boards

  • Since 2017 member of editorial board of the scientific journal “Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine”.
  • Since 2016 member of editorial board of the scientific journal “Legal studies. Bulletin of the Taras Schevchenko national university of Kyiv”.
  • Since 2015 member of editorial board of the scientific journal “Peter Lang, Serie Cultures juridiques et politiques”.
  • Since 2012 “Studia Prawnicze” (Faculty of Law, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Kraków University).
  • Since 2006 member of editorial board of the scientific journal “VU mokslo darbai: Teisė”.

Significant expert activity, membership

  • Since 2017 foreign member of the Academy of Legal Sciences of the Republic of Ukraine.
  • 2008-2014 member of the Commission for the Qualification Examination of Lithuanian Judges.
  • 2005-2018 member of the Lithuanian Bar Qualifying Examination, 2005-2008 chairman.
  • Since 2006 member of the European Network of Independent Experts on Labor Law of the European Commission.
  • Since 2004 member of the European Commission’s Network of Experts on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women.


  • 2018 French Government Award – Knight in the Order of Academic Palms Insignia (fr. Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques).
  • 2015 Lithuanian Business Confederation (LBC) Award – Partnership Leader – for significant contribution to the improvement of economic competitiveness in Lithuania, improvement of business environment and creation of new jobs.
  • 2015 Investors’ Forum award for Prof. Dr. Tomas Davulis and the expert group – Best Decision for Business Climate Improvement – for the project of the new Lithuanian Labour Code.

Popularization of science


Lithuanian, English, German, French and Russian.