Main areas of scientific interest, research and expertise
Civil law, law of contracts, comparative law of contracts, law of obligations, law of inheritance.
- 1999-2006 obtained a doctoral degree in the field of legal science in the field of social sciences (thèse en co-tutelle, double-supervised thesis), Mykolas Romeris University, Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III University (France).
- 1994-1999 Master’s degree in law, Faculty of Law of Vilnius University.
Main publications
- Dambrauskaitė, Asta. Court decision contra legem or an application of the principle of proportionality in concreto? [Teismo sprendimas contra legem ar proporcingumo kontrolė in concreto?] // Teisė. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. ISSN 1392-1274. eISSN 2424-6050. 2021, t. 121, p. 27-44. DOI: 10.15388/Teise.2021.121.2.
Membership in editorial boards
- Member of the board of editors of the research publication “Jurisprudence”.
- Member of the editorial board of “Registrų centras” legal literature publishing house
- 2007 Paul Cézanne was awarded the PEIRESC prize for the best thesis prepared and defended under co-tutelle de thèse (Prix PEIRESC année 2005-2006) at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Aix-Marseille III.
Lithuanian, English, French, Russian and Italian.