Main areas of scientific interest, research and expertise
Human rights, legal reasoning, law and technology, supranational and national courts, constitutional law.
- 2015 acquired a Doctor of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
- 2012 acquired a Master’s of Laws and Economics degree (LL.M.), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Hamburg (Germany) and University of Rotterdam (Netherlands).
- 2010 acquired a Master’s of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
Main publications
- Murauskas, Donatas. Non-compliance with the European Court of Human Rights judgments: delineating the features of Central and Eastern European legal identity // Law, culture and identity in Central and Eastern Europe: a comparative engagement / edited by Cosmin Cercel, Alexandra Mercescu and Mirosław Michał Sadowski. London: Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group, 2024, chapter 5. ISBN 9781032388052. eISBN 9781003346890. p. 98-118. (Nomos studies in law, culture and power). DOI:4324/9781003346890-7
- Murauskas, Donatas. Predictive analytics in crime prevention and the European Convention on Human Rights: tackling risks in privacy and fair trial frameworks = Duomenų analitika nusikaltimų prevencijoje ir Žmogaus teisių ir pagrindinių laisvių apsaugos konvencija: teisės į privatumą ir teisės į teisingą bylos nagrinėjimą taikymo ribos // Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica. Łódz: Uniwersytet Łódzki. ISSN 0208-6069. eISSN 2450-2782. 2021, vol. 97, p. 225-250. DOI: 18778/0208-6069.97.13.
- Murauskas, Donatas. Execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: Lithuania case // Legal developments during 30 years of Lithuanian independence: overview of legal accomplishments and challenges in Lithuania / editors: Švedas, Gintaras, Murauskas, Donatas. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. ISBN 9783030547820. eISBN 9783030547837. p. 205-221. DOI: 1007/978-3-030-54783-7_11.
Main scientific and research projects
- Since 2023 senior research in the project “Payment and pricing models for next-generation health innovations” (HI-PRIX). It will be funded under the HORIZON priority “New Pricing and Payment Models for Cost-Effective and Accessible Health Innovation”.
- 2021-2022 researcher in the project “Model of provision of health care services for patients with oncological diseases in cases of pandemics”, (No. S-DNR-21-10). Project partners: VšĮ Vilnius University Hospital Santaras Klinikos, Vilnius University, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.
- 2019-2020 Fulbright Research Scholar, Wake Forest University School of Law, topic: Artificial Intelligence and human rights: re-evaluating international human rights frameworks.
- 2020-2023 national expert in the study “Comparative Legal Cultures and Identities: A Central and Eastern European Perspective” initiated by an international group of experts.
Significant expert activity, membership
- Since 2022 member of the Administrative Law and Administrative Process Committee of the Lithuanian Bar Association; since 2023.06 deputy chair.
- 2018-2022 member of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2019 chairman.
- 2019-2020 head of the scientific thematic group “Human rights and technology”.
- 2015-2021 member-expert of the Vilnius regional biomedical research ethics committee.
- 2012-2015 member of the Council of the Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
Popularization of science
- D. Murauskas. Trial by Media and the Right to Respond in Narbutas v. Lithuania. Strasbourg Observers, 2024.03.01
- D. Murauskas. Valueless legislation. Opinion on 2023.11.15.
- D. Murauskas. ‘Appearance of impartiality’: how should the courts reason in the presence of external pressure? Article on the blog Strasbourg Observers, 2020.11.30
Lithuanian, English, Russian and French.