GALGINAITIS JUOZAS, Professor of Practice
Main areas of scientific interest, research and expertise
Law theory, philosophy and methodology.
- 1988 acquired a Doctor of Law degree, Scientific Research Institute of Soviet Laws.
- 1981 acquired a Master’s of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
Main publications
- Galginaitis, Juozas (compiler); Himmelreich, Antje (compiler); Vrubliauskaitė, Rūta (compiler). Einführung in das litauische Recht / Juozas Galginaitis, Anthe Himmelreich, Rūta Vrubliauskaitė (Hrsg.). Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts Verlag, 2010. 296 p. ISBN 9783830517764.
- Galginaitis, Juozas. Grundlagen des litauischen Rechts // Einführung in das litauische Recht / Juozas Galginaitis, Anthe Himmelreich, Rūta Vrubliauskaitė (Hrsg.). Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts Verlag, 2010. ISBN 9783830517764. p. 1-10.
Main scientific and research projects
- 2011-2013 head of the project “Development and implementation of the internal studies quality management system of Vilnius university”.
- 2009-2012 head of the project “Preparation for the national concept of The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS): the harmonization of credit, development and implementation of study programs methodology based on learning outcomes”.
- 2006-2008 head of the project “Development of Knowledge and specific competence evaluation system by establishing Examination Centre of Vilnius University”.
- 2003 award by the Decree of the President of Lithuania for his personal contribution to the development of transatlantic relations Lithuania and on the occasion of NATO‘s invitation to the Republic of Lithuania.
- 2000 awarded with the nominal weapon by Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania for fair service.
Popularization of science
Lithuanian, German and Russian.