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Further Cooperation with the Ministry of Justice Agreed


Today, the Dean of the Law Faculty of Vilnius University, Assoc. Prof. Dr Haroldas Šinkūnas, and the Vice-Dean for Studies, Assoc. Prof. Dr Vigita Vėbraitė, met with the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania, Rimantas Mockus. During the visit, it was agreed to expand the field of cooperation, including new legal education initiatives, events, and student volunteering.

According to the Minister, there is a need to provide wide opportunities for the younger generation not only to learn about but also to have a practical experience of the rule of law, to show the advantages of the public sector, and to present opportunities to represent Lithuania internationally.

Initiatives implemented by the VU Law Faculty and the Ministry of Justice:

-facilitating internships at the Ministry for VU Law Faculty students – up to 20 VU students per year;
-Joint national and international events are organised;
-opportunities for students to volunteer (the most extensive involvement of students in volunteering activities was in the context of the Ministry’s hosting of the high-level ECJ Justice Ministers’ Conference “Towards Accountability for International Crimes in Ukraine”);
-Joint activities to raise awareness of the public sector, human rights and legal issues, to encourage students to choose the public sector as a career path, and to showcase the opportunities offered by the public sector at both national and international level.