Main areas of scientific interest, research and expertise
Constitutional law, history of political and legal theories, political theory.
- 2004 acquired a Doctor of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
- 1997 acquired a Master’s of Law degree (LL.M), Faculty of Law, J. W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.
- 1995 acquired a Master’s of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
Main Publications
- Šinkūnas, Haroldas. Constitutional principles as a criterion for declaring legal regulation to be incompatible with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania // Legal developments during 30 years of Lithuanian independence: overview of legal accomplishments and challenges in Lithuania / editors: Švedas, Gintaras, Murauskas, Donatas. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. ISBN 9783030547820. eISBN 9783030547837. p. 245-260. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-54783-7_13.
- Machovenko, Jevgenij; Šinkūnas, Haroldas. Establishment of a judicial system and ensuring independence of judges in Lithuania, 1918–1920 // Prawo: Sto lat polskiej administracji publicznej. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo uniwersitetu Wrocławskiego, 2019. ISBN 9788322936559. ISSN 0524-4544. 2019, vol. 327, p. 269-283. (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis ; No 3888). DOI: 10.19195/0524-4544.327.17.
- Šinkūnas, Haroldas. Odpowiedzialność materialna ministrów na Litwie = Material responsibility of ministers in Lithuania // Wokół rządu w polskim i litewskim prawie konstytucyjnym / pod redakcją: Dariusza Góreckiego. Łódz: Wydanstwo universytetu Łódzkiego, 2019. ISBN 9788381424455. eISBN 9788381424462. p. 199-214.
Main scientific and research projects
- 2012 expert activity in the project “Development and implementation of internal study quality management system of Vilnius University” (VP1-2.1-ŠMM-04-K-02-016). The project is financed by EU funds.
- 2007-2017 head of the working group in the project for the preparation of the “Dictionary of Interpretive Linguistic Law Terms”.
Membership in editorial boards
- 2020 compilation and scientific editing of the collection of articles “Current Affairs of the Constitutional Law of Lithuania and Poland”.
- Since 2016 member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Studia Wyborcze”.
- 2016 compilation and scientific editing of the collection of articles “Current Affairs of the Constitutional Law of Lithuania and Poland: Parliament”.
Significant expert activity, membership
- 2020 at the request of the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, an opinion was submitted on the draft Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania.
- 2020 at the request of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, opinions were provided on cases pending in the Constitutional Court.
- 2014, 2017 expert activity, in preparation of the description of the direction of law studies, the working group was formed by order of the director of the Study Quality Assessment Center.
Popularization of science
- B. Mozūraitienė, N. Damulė. Insufficient financing of the courts is a threat to their independence. Opinion of H. Šinkūnas in “Teismai.lt” magazine, p. 12-15, No. 4. (47), 2022.
- H. Šinkūnas. Is it necessary to defend the Constitution? Participant in the Lrt.lt radio show “LRT Radijo ringas”, 2022-10-21.
- H. Šinkūnas. Election Code: Who, what, when and how? Article on Teisė.Pro, 2022-09-03.
Lithuanian, English, Russian and German.