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Three Students Start their Summer Internships at the VU Law Faculty


Three students will carry out a summer internship at the VU Law Faculty which starts on July 1st and ends on August 30. During the internship, they will be working on their paper work. This internship is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania

Emilė Ieva Šapkauskaitė, who is 1st year law student at the VU Law Faculty, during the internship will prepare a thesis on the topic “Human-centred regulation of artificial intelligence: A promise or an achievable reality?”. Supervisor – senior lecturer Dr Neringa Gaubienė.

Austina Tarvydaitė, who comes from Erasmus University Rotterdam, where she is studying in the 3rd year of the study programme “Management of International Social International Challenges”, will be working on a thesis on “Protection  against domestic violence: does the legal framework reflect the actual trends?”. Supervisor – assist. Dr Elena Masnevaitė.

Nelda Biltauere, 1st year student at the VU Law Faculty programme “International and European Law”, will do a research on the topic “Research of the possibilities to use e-justice and the ethical artificial intelligence in the dispute resolution process”. The supervisor is Assoc. Prof. Dr Rimantas Simaitis.

VU Law Faculty welcomes the students’ initiative and wishes them an interesting and successful internship.