JASAITIS GINTARAS, Assoc. Professor of Practice
Main areas of scientific interest, research, and expertise
Criminal proceedings, prosecution.
- 1990 acquired a Master’s of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University.
Main publications
- Goda, Gintaras; Kuconis, Pranas; Juodkaitė Granskienė, Gabriele; Merkevičius, Remigius; Gorbatkov, Andrei; Juozapavičius, Audrius; Jasaitis, Gintaras; Meška, Arūnas; Kilinskas, Vidas. Criminal Procedure Law: Practicalities: Teaching Aid. (Baudžiamojo proceso teisė: praktikumas: mokymo priemonė) Vilnius: Registrų centras, 2014. 288 p. ISBN 9789955301615.
- Jasaitis, Gintaras. The Lithuanian Prosecutor’s Office in the context of the European legal system // Fifteen years of the Lithuanian Prosecutor’s Office: scientific conference materials (Lietuvos prokuratūra Europos teisinės sistemos kontekste // Lietuvos prokuratūrai penkiolika metų: mokslinės konferencijos medžiaga), 2005, April 1. Vilnius: Generalinė prokuratūra. 2005, p. 71-77.
- Goda, Gintaras; Kazlauskas, Marcelis; Kuconis, Pranas; Rinkevičius, Jurgis; Švedas, Goda; Jasaitis, Gintaras; Merkevičius, Remigius. Commentary on the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Lithuania: Parts I-IV (Articles 1-220) (Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo proceso kodekso komentaras: I-IV dalys (1-220 straipsniai)). Vilnius: Teisinės informacijos centras, 2003. 672 p. ISBN 9955557168.
Significant expert activity, membership
- Since 2021 participates in the activities of the Ethics Commission of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University.
- Since 2021 participated by order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Lithuania no. I-276 in the Selection Commission for Candidates for European Delegated Prosecutors.
- Since 2021 participates by order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Lithuania no. I-96 in the working group for drafting legal acts.
- Since 2021 participates in the Selection Commission for Chief Prosecutors by order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Lithuania no. I-21.
- 2014-03-26 medal of the prosecutor’s badge of honor, 1st degree.
- In 2010 1st degree insignia-medal “For services to Vilnius and the Nation”.
Popularization of science
- G. Jasaitis. Lecture “Not only to punish but to defend.” What are the prosecutors doing?”. G. Jasaitis’ lecture for students, VU Faculty of Law Youtube channel,2021.04. 30.
- G. Jasaitis. Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania Gintaras Jasaitis – about how the work of prosecutors is organized under the conditions of the coronavirus quarantine, and what challenges criminal prosecution officers face. Conversation at Teisė.Pro CHECK-IN, 2020.04.11.
- G. Jasaitis. R. Karmazatė. Prosecutor Gintaras Jasaitis could no longer remain quiet: “People’s futures are being destroyed!”. Interview. Lrytas.lt,2019.04. 29.
Lithuanian and Russian.