On 11–13 July 2016, for the first time in the Baltic and Scandinavian regions Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) organised an Art Law summer school „Introduction to Art Law in the Baltic-Nordic Region“ – a week-long intensive course dedicated exclusively to interdisciplinary legal topics such as art and cultural heritage law. Ten experts in the field from five countries addressed some of the most topical issues of the art market: the role of UNESCO in protecting cultural heritage; moral rights of artists, resale rights and copyright; reversal of historical wrongs (repatriation and recovery of stolen/looted art); protection of underwater cultural heritage; doing business in the world of art (contract drafting nuances); international protection of folklore; managing private and public art; street art and graffiti. What is more, 11 students from the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University attended the course, and PhD students Gintarė Pažereckaitė, Daiva Bakšienė, Viltė Kristina Steponėnaitė, dr. Gintarė Tamašauskaitė-Janickė presented their papers.